Object and Type
Object : FCGeneric
Type : Method
Public Sub TraverseFromParent(ByVal the_parent As FCGeneric, _
ByVal trav_rel As String)
This method sets up the parent/child relationship between two generic objects. It is exactly the same as setting the ParentRelation and ParentBO properties, but is easier.
This method should be called for the child generic object, and should specify the parent object, and the relation ON THE PARENT used to traverse between the two objects. Note that this is the opposite of the ParentRelation property which is the relation from the child to the parent.
For example, to query a case, and the related contact record, you would create both generic objects and then specify:
boContact.TraverseFromParent(boCase, "case_reporter2contact");
In other words, the method specifies the parent generic object, and the relation you use on that parent to get to this (child) generic object.
You should not call on TraverseFromParent more than once in a row (or use the ParentRelation and ParentBO properties) without first calling the Untraverse method first. If you do, an error results.
Note: This method will set the DBObjectName for this generic object. Thus it is not necessary to set it for the child object.
Note: When you set the parent relation with ParentBO, the child object's BulkName is set to the parent's BulkName.
Parameter Name Required? Description
the_parent Yes The parent generic object
trav_rel Yes The relation ON THE PARENT used to traverse between the
two generic objects
Error Codes
Value Meaning
12024 Two TraverseFromParent calls were made on this generic without first calling
on the UnTraverse method.
The following example queries case objects, and a related contact and site objects.
The code in this example is written in JavaScript for inclusion in ASP pages.
// Get all cases
var boCase = FCSession.CreateGeneric();
// Now get the related contacts
var boContact = FCSession.CreateGeneric();
boContact.TraverseFromParent(boCase, "case_reporter2contact");
// Now get the related sites
var boSite = FCSession.CreateGeneric();
boSite.TraverseFromParent(boCase, "case_reporter2site");
// Query the data, and display it
while (boCase.EOF != true)
Response.Write ("Case: " + boCase("id_number") + " Site/Contact: " +
boSite("name") + " - " + boContact("first_name") +
" " + boContact("last_name"));
Visual Basic:
The code in this example is written in Visual Basic.
Dim boCase As FCGeneric
Dim boSite As FCGeneric
Dim boContact As FCGeneric
Set boCase = fc_session.CreateGeneric
boCase.SimpleQuery "case"
Set boContact = fc_session.CreateGeneric
boContact.TraverseFromParent boCase, "case_reporter2contact"
Set boSite = fc_session.CreateGeneric
boSite.TraverseFromParent boCase, "case_reporter2site"
While boCase.EOF = False
MsgBox "Case: " & boCase("id_number") & " Site/Contact: " & _
boSite("name") & " - " & boContact("first_name") & " " & _